Affordable Telepsychiatry and Psychiatry Services in Illinois with transparent, upfront pricing.
At GBH, we believe in honesty and integrity in our pricing and service delivery. We clearly post our service rates here and promise never to trick you with hidden charges or fees. We encourage you to comparison shop. We are confident that we offer the greatest value for your healthcare dollar and make it easy to stay on top of your mental health because our rates are priced so far below many comparable insurance rates. You can often spend less for services with GBH as an out-of-network provider versus going to see a provider who is in-network with your insurance plan. Let us provide you with a copy of your superbill and assist you in filing out-of-network insurance claims.
GBH’s Rate Guide
Tier 1 (Retail Insurance Pricing)

Tier 2 (Affordable Private Pay Rates)